Thursday 6 December 2012


Bad money snafus happen to good people. The common mistakes women make—and what to do instead. Not all women make these mistakes. Not all men avoid them. But these are a few female financial problem areas that have been analyzed, which can lead to major debt and lots of stress.
A 2011 study found that 67% of women have felt guilt about a purchase. But that's not the only opportunity for guilt: There's also staying in a job you feel guilty about abandoning, giving someone money because you feel guilty about their situation and, oh, doing the opposite of what you want when it comes to working after having children because you feel guilty about being a good mom (more on that here).
This guilt effect might not be limited to finances, either. Some studies suggest that women are more inclined than men to feel any kind of guilt. And we'd argue, more likely to bail out their exes, too. But see the next slide for more on that type of financial transgression.
It's long been said that women are more empathetic than men--they're instinctively attuned to what others are thinking and feeling. But one study published in Psychology Today suggests that this empathy isn't an innate quality, it's just that women try harder to empathize. Another study found that women feel equal levels of empathy no matter how they feel about the other person's morality, whereas male empathy is conditional on a moral judgment. In other words, they empathize only if the other person is worthy.
So when women are actively trying to be understanding, and naturally not judging, you get saviors. The savior lends money to her mother/sister/friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/neighbor to alleviate their burdens, by taking on that burden herself. The next time someone else's finances look tight; direct them toward our financial planners instead. Lending money is a lovely gesture, but it's even nicer to help them set up a long-term financial plan.
Women can have trouble saying no. Whether in the office or at home, some women have a hard time advocating for themselves, especially when it means turning down a request. And it's understandable. Studies show that although women who advocate for themselves in the workplace are rewarded with due promotion (nice!), such behavior is often perceived as "aggressive" and "unlikeable" when it's from someone wearing heels (not nice).
But you can do more than just ask nicely to get your money back. It's important that you sign a contract or agreement when borrowing or lending a considerable amount of money. In fact, documents like prenups were created for just this sort of situation.
Everyone knows that a lady can't resist shoes. (Kidding!) But retail therapy, or shopping to influence your mood, is both common and unwise. A survey out of the University of Hertfordshire found that the primary motivation for 79% of respondents to shop was to "cheer them up." Emotional spending is one of the main culprits for bad spending triggers.

"I divorced my husband after seven years together (and two children) and discovered that I did not exist! Nothing, including car insurance and license plates, belonged to me. I had no credit, which I needed for car insurance. Since then, I've been rebuilding my credit, starting with the money I earned from melting down my wedding ring."

We constantly hear from women who spent years taking the hands-off approach to their finances, but are thrust into the responsibility of gaining financial knowledge on their own.
It's crucial to not only build your own credit history (so you can take out loans for major purchases down the road, like a house or car, but also to save for retirement (especially as a woman—here's why) and know the financial basics in case you ever need them.
It's terrifying how many couples don't discuss their finances until something goes terribly wrong. To be fair, the blame for this mistake probably lies equally with both partners. We like to use the term "financial intimacy" to describe a situation where both partners in a relationship have an awareness and mastery of the finances.
You have to put on your own oxygen mask before you can assist others. It's as true in personal finance as it is at 30,000 feet. Waylaying your retirement money for your child's college tuition or draining your savings for summers away at camp will leave your children's support system (you) unbalanced.
Obviously, we leave it to your discretion when deciding which expenses for your children come first, but a situation like the one above isn't good for anybody, including the kids. You're no good to your family if you're no good to yourself. We've discussed before why splurging on yourself (or even just taking care of your expenses!) is so critical to the wellbeing of you and your family.

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