Thursday, 18 October 2012


Who are beautiful? Can beauty be defined? What’s the secret lies between being beautiful or not?
Most of the women in our society crave for a gorgeous look. But that doesn’t make them beautiful. Beauty lies within you. It can solely be achieved through enlightenment, self realization and confidence. Due to the chronicles of aggravation faced by women for ages, they have clandestine themselves. They feel neglected and unworthy. They are always considered the weaker section of the society. But, what’s the reason behind it? Can we accuse any single section of our society for this wretched condition of women? No, we can’t. In this male dominated society it’s the responsibility of a woman to make her existence worthy.

A spiritual development and growth of mind can only bring change in her state. She must know that in the eyes all almighty we all are equal. We are also bestowed by a beautiful life and we must respect it. The Almighty has given us a blessing, i.e., the capacity to bring a life on earth. We are the consoler. We give shelter to the needy in our heart and pamper them with passion and love. We are rewarded with the power of tolerance. Aren't all these reasons enough to make us feel special?

If any of us feel like comparing, then she might be taking a wrong turn. We balance the nature. We complete each other by being each other’s better halves. If men possess physical strength, then women have mental strength. In the court of almighty the judgment is fair. We are, equally rewarded for the good deeds and punished for the bad ones. There is no biasness in the eyes of God, so who are we to create one in our mind. Wrong things do happen in every bodies life, but that doesn't mean we should stop living or believing the facts. If required we have to earn our self respect back. We must believe in ourselves. If nobody is there, we need to boost up our confidence by self appreciation. We need to be confident and strong in every sector of our life.

We must regard ourselves unique before we dig into the eyes, souls and minds of others for it. Every person in this world is extraordinary. Then again, to notice it we must own an insight. It’s easy to accept bereavement, but hard to struggle for it. We should be glad to be a woman. It’s a prerequisite to admire this lovely creation of God.

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